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Accountable Communities of Health CCV Work Group meeting

  • Center for Multicultural Health 1120 E. Terrace St., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98122 (map)

The King County Accountable Communities of Health (KCACH) Community/Consumer Voice (CCV) Work Group is to proactively engage community-based organizations and the beneficiaries of services, and ensure that their voice guides and influences the decision-making of King County Accountable Community of Health (KCACH). The CCV helps the KCACH co-design its priorities and projects with the communities they are intended to serve. 

CCV meets the 3rd Monday of the month from 1:00 - 3:00pm at the Center for Multicultural Health (CMCH), 1120 E. Terrace St., Suite 200, Seattle, 98122. 

October 12

12th Annual Latino Health Forum

October 18

Fentanyl Webinar