Case Studies

Welcome! This page showcases Healthy King County Coalition's communications efforts over time including videos, infographics, photoshoots, and media coverage focused on community health, COVID-19 and flu resources, healthy spaces, and nutrition. Our work is ongoing, so visit regularly for updates on our latest projects.

  • Community Clinical Linkages

    An equitable and multicultural approach to clinical healthcare work depends on community healthcare workers who proactively bring health education and clinical services to patients. They match or resonate with linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the people they serve.

  • Healthy Eating & Nutrition

    An equity-oriented approach to nutrition means removing systemic barriers for marginalized communities to access basic, healthy and culturally-appropriate sources of food. REACH partners designed and implemented new and innovative approaches to reduce food insecurity.

  • Healthy Spaces

    A hallmark of REACH’s healthy spaces work is its focus on building leadership among the people transportation systems are meant to serve. Young leaders and their opinions and perspectives are vital to the future vibrancy and sustainability of our public transportation systems.


    When the COVID-19 pandemic landed in the U.S., King County was ground zero. In an unprecedented way, the public health community had to quickly respond to a new threat that was disproportionately affecting people who were already lacking basic health protections.


Reach Summary Report


We’re celebrating 5 years of King County’s REACH program! From 2018 to 2023.