Member Benefits
Gain access to a professional network of state, local government, non-profit, and community based-organizations that come together to bridge existing resources to further develop healthy communities
Broaden your support base through the HKCC website
Help to expand access to quality health care and reduce health disparities
Learn about other King County health projects
Serve as an advocate for sustainable healthy options for all King County residents
Strengthen the capabilities of non-profits, small business owners, and community- based organizations to develop healthier options for their consumers and local residents
Even though HKCC plays a major part in creating equitable access to healthy options, we can’t do it alone. Membership in the Coalition shows that you want equitable choices that support healthy eating, active lifestyles and smoke-free living for all King County residents. A broad and strong membership gives the Coalition a louder voice when advocating for health equity and policies with our community leaders and elected officials. Only by working together can real solutions and more efficient services be accomplished.
Membership to HKCC is free and open to any individual, organization, company, or group that is:
Committed to collaboration and coordination through HKCC to implement community developed programs
Interested in creating sustainable health equity within communities
Aware that health disparity is a community-wide issue that cannot be solved by one organization alone
Levels of Membership
We host quarterly coalition meetings, leadership training, workshops on social change and managing data, and forums on how to change policies, systems, and the environment.
□ Voting Member: You support our overarching goal of health equity. You belong to at least one Work Group, attend quarterly Coalition meetings, and participate in one event or workshop a year. Your organization will be listed on our website and letterhead as an official voting member regarding our annual policy priorities. You agree with our values and principals and support our platform. You use HKCC’s health equity assessment tool in your work.
□ Supporting Member: You support our overarching goal of health equity. You attend at least one Coalition meeting a year, support our events, and you’re encouraged to join one Work Group. You agree with our values and principals and support our platform, but cannot vote on PSE issues. You use HKCC’s health equity assessment tool in your work.
All members provide in-kind staffing resources and/or financial support to the Coalition, and agree to mobilize their organization members around the Coalition’s health equity policy priorities.